lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

BlackBerry Playbook

The release is date is undecided and unknown.....YET.
The features and things are:
-Ful computing power and 1 Ghz dual-core Processor with 1 GB RAM Memory and symmetric multi-proccesing
-Adobe Flash 10.1 and its perfect for a lot of apps
-The New BlackBerry Tablet OS
-Video Conferences
-HD video cameras
-3MP HD Front-Facing Camera(for video conferences I suppose)
-5MP HD Rear-Facing Camera(for everything else)
-Super Mega Portable and 7 in. LCD display, 1024 x 600 screen resolution
-5.1 x 7.6 x 0.4 in.
-Built-in Micro-USB Connector
-Multi-Touch Screen
-Rich Application Ecosystem
-CIO and Enterprise Ready
In my opinion, this will cost minimum $500 and maximum $1000;I think this is better than Ipad.

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